Travis flyway PostgreSQL builds


This post is about using Travis CI to test a Java Spring Boot (or similar) project that uses PostgreSQL (or any other supported DB) with flyway migrations built by gradle. I've done most of these steps separately, but getting them all to work together with Travis took some time.

To give some background, The documentation is sparse and I had to combine many other techniques to get everything to work correctly.

I probably could have got away with using build environment variables (I've done this with TeamCity to great effect) to set the database config, but a second config was the most straightforward approach on an existing codebase.


Overview of steps

  1. create a test/CI only copy of application properties
  2. setup gradle + Flyway and spring toggling application properties files
  3. configuring Travis CI

Test specific app properties

I have an file setup with my usual spring datasource development database, eg,


the first step is to copy this file to (in src/main/resources) and change the database username to 'postgres'. Travis CI will use the username 'postgres' with no password on a database you can choose to create. I stuck with the documentation example and used the database 'travis_ci_test'.

The updated would look like this


Now we need to let the source know how to determine which file to use

Spring @PropertySource and gradle flyway setup

These instructions are from the following page on jayway, which was super helpful. I will summerize here the steps I took to implement this approach.

First, pick an environment variable name to set the application properties. You will need to remember this for java code and the Travis CI config. I used 'APP_PROPS_FILE'.

In your spring application entry point (Usually Application), wherever you have @SpringBootApplication, @Configuration, entity scan setup, etc, you need to add the following @PropertySource annotations.

    @PropertySource(value="classpath:${APP_PROPS_FILE}", ignoreResourceNotFound = true)
    public class MyCoolApplication {
        // ...

There is two so if the environment variable is not set, it will default to the '' file.

Next, we need to also update our gradle so flyway knows this trick as well.

make your entire flyway task look like this

    flyway {
        Properties props = new Properties()
        def springProp = System.getenv("APP_PROPS_FILE") ?: ""
        props.load(new FileInputStream("${projectDir}/src/main/resources/" + springProp))
        url = props."spring.datasource.url"
        user = props."spring.datasource.username"
        password = props."spring.datasource.password"

this is the same concept, it will default to if the environment variable is not set. We're almost done

Configuring Travis CI for PostgreSQL and running flyway

Now the part that ties it all together, instructing travis to create a test database and flyway it.

the first thing we need to add is our environment variable we setup, setting the test file we want to use, add the following to .travis.yml


Travis will set the correct environment var for the build! Lets make it use PostgreSQL and create the database before the build with the following:

    - postgresql

    postgresql: "9.4"

    - psql -c 'create database travis_ci_test;' -U postgres

This ensures we have an empty 'travis_ci_test' database ready. Lastly, we need to customize the build script to actually run flyway. I personally use gradle test task over check, so I have that here, but change anything after flywayMigrate -i to whatever you like (test, check, war, jar, etc)

    # if you're using gradlew wrapper, else replace with 'gradle'
    script: ./gradlew flywayMigrate -i test

Boom! Now we flyway a fresh db before running tests automagically every build. It's worth noting that gradle will run 'gradle assemble' as the install step first as well.

What's the '-i' on the flyway task? It is info and will display details and status of migrations, it's totally optional though.


Here are links to working files

Opinionated side notes

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